Join us for the best of private flying
The wide range of flying offered by the Robin Flying Group has been reflected in the diversity of its members – ages from 17 to 79 years and experience levels from NPPL student to airline captains. Several members have joined us fresh from their PPL skills test.
The Group is not exclusive in any way. We have members who also own aircraft or shares or are active members of other flying clubs and have joined us to enjoy “that little bit extra”. Though most have come from Devon, Somerset and Dorset, the appeal of the DR400 and our group has brought members from as far afield as Kent and London.
Some members fly over 100 hours per year, one or two under 10 hours and the majority somewhere in between.
Several members have learnt some aviation French and one lady member is French. We have Vegan and meat-eater, teetotal and less abstemious. In summary, anyone with a love of flying seems to fit in fine and - most importantly – to enjoy the relaxed and friendly atmosphere.
The wide spectrum of flying experience has enabled the less experienced to develop their skills and confidence rapidly but also safely. Members have remarked how much valuable knowledge they have acquired (that clubs/schools never teach) and how much better they now enjoy their flying as a result.
We aim to avoid restrictions and petty rules, relying instead on members to exercise common sense and judgement. In return, the Robin Flying Group aspires to a high standard of safety and begs more thoughtful care of its aircraft than that normally displayed towards “the average club hack”! Our aircraft are usually among the smartest about and we encourage members to take pride in them.
Although we are primarily a group for qualified PPLs/LAPLs/NPPLs, we are a CAA Declared Training Organisation with highly experienced Flying Instructors to cater for any training members may desire. Night and IMC Ratings, Differences Training, Skill tests etc can be obtained economically in house.
Joining the Robin Flying Group is exceptionally straightforward with no capital involved. Most of our new members arrive by “word of mouth” - often prompted by existing members or having flown with them.
You might be interested in joining but have no such inside knowledge. Please do not hesitate to get in touch to ask any questions you may have and/or come and have a tour of inspection of our aircraft and operations – without obligation or “hard sell”!
New members adapt quickly to the Robins, which are exceptionally pilot-friendly and a joy to fly after most other aircraft.