The Robin Flying Group

Join us for the best of private flying

Our Base

Exeter International Airport offers comprehensive facilities to the aviator with a smooth and wide 2000 metre runway, ILS, DME, NDB, Radar, helpful ATC, Customs, Special Branch, full night lighting etc etc, and - best of all - outstanding flying weather.

EGTE boasts one of the very best weather factors of UK airports which, combined with its hard surfaces offers realistic all year round flying opportunities. Easy access and excellent road links put it within comfortable reach of Plymouth, Bristol, Yeovil, Dorchester etc.. It is surrounded by beautiful countryside with one of the most picturesque coastlines anywhere - all in unrestricted, uncrowded airspace.

We are based at the Exavia hangar in the rural north-eastern sector of the airport. Not only do we have idyllic surroundings, but also “pole position” for the runway and the best  grandstand view of comings and goings. The Hangar is modern and optimised specifically for single-engined GA aircraft. We have access to a crewroom with runway view, usual tea/coffee facilities etc plus two patios for barbeques and relaxing.

Our aircraft have the benefit of living in the hangar overnight, but there is also a large area of smooth grass for aircraft parking which converts usefully to croquet/boule pitch for social events. Members can drive right up to the hangar and park their cars within a few metres of our aircraft - so no need to lug belongings for miles, don fluorescent clothing etc.

There are many delightful farm strips within a few minutes’ flying, and our Robins make excellent strip aircraft with their good short field performance and highly tolerant undercarriage. Most of the local strips host fly-ins in the summer, which attract visitors from all over the country - we are very fortunate to have them on our doorstep.

France and the Channel Islands are only an hour or so away and, with Exeter’s full-time facilities, can be visited on a spur of the moment decision instead of the prior notice and bureaucracy required before departing from most airfields.