Join us for the best of private flying
Our aircraft do a fair amount of local pottering, but the qualities of the DR400, members’ enthusiasm and the group’s freedom from restrictions have encouraged plenty of more ambitious activity too.
With several similar aircraft available at a time, we have enjoyed numerous group fly-outs. These range from “spur of the moment” decisions to go off on local airfields/strips tours to more organised expeditions to foreign parts.
Cruising in loose formation in compatible aircraft has proved particularly enjoyable, especially now that we are equipped with inter-aircraft intercoms. Definitely an experience where the overall enjoyment exceeds the sum of the parts!
These group sorties have helped our less experienced pilots build their confidence and competence rapidly in a friendly and supportive environment before launching off on adventurous expeditions themselves. Mutual support has become a theme of the group with members lending each other charts, guides, GPS’s, immersion suits etc to optimise relaxed and safe flying.
During the last few years our aircraft have visited over 120 airfields in 10 countries on 2 continents. To quote one member:
“I was thinking through our trip to Ireland and the amazing thing is that when I joined the group I was a club pilot who thought a local vfr to Dartmouth was exciting!
After a few months I now have Cherbourg, Bernay, Bagnoles, Dinan, Dinard, Waterford, Cork, Kerry, Inisheer, Inishmaan, Inishmore etc etc under my belt and this is due purely to our group, it has improved my flying and I have made new friends.”
Members also use our aircraft for follow-on training activities such as Night Flying Proficiency, IMC Rating and Biennial flights.
Although the group offers excellent opportunities to broaden horizons, it places no obligation to do so on members, plenty of whom are perfectly happy “doing their own thing”.